Steps to Integrate Custom webportal on CRM2015 Default Port
- Create a Folder(Example: CustomImport) in CRMWeb Folder(Example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb) and Copy/Paste all your files/website in it.
- Goto CRM Installation Path: CRMWeb\Help\bin (Example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\Help\bin) and copy all these files and paste it into the above website bin folder (where your Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll located)
- Goto IIS drill down to the CRM Website and select the Folder which you have created in the Step1.
- Right Click on the Folder and click Convert to Application
- Verify Windows Authentication is enabled
If you notice any issues with custom webpage while accessing on HTTPS, perform below steps:
- Run CRMAppPool under a Service Account which you are Impersonating the Custom WebPortal.
- Ensure above Service Account is part of PrivUserGroup {GUID}.
Note: It is not a supported solution; However, it works like a charm and it doesn't impact any OOB solution.